Magento – Tier price slider


I need one functionality for my magento project.
I needed slider for the product tier price.I need some thing like that


Qty is 10 price $10 per product
Qty is 11 to 99 price $9 per product
Qty is 100 to 999 price $8 per product
Qty is 1000 and above price $7 per product

i want to calculate this using price slider this facility available using tier price but i need slider for that for rich UI. like below

enter image description here

Is any one have a idea how can i apply slider or any extension is available for this functionality.

Please suggest me some good extension or code to apply. I search on google but not getting any proper solution. I hope that i find out it here.


Best Answer

You can use this extension. This is a free and best among the available. If you can afford paid extensions, there are plenty of em.

So if you use the above extension:

  1. modify Price.php in module Block\Catalog\Layer\Filter.
  2. change setMinPrice() and setMaxPrice()

change $this->_minPrice = $this->_productCollection->getFirstItem()->getPrice();

to $this->_minPrice = $this->_productCollection->getFirstItem()->getTierPrice();

note: didn't test it. If you have problems revert back.