Magento – Tips and tricks for fast Magento2 localhost development


Does anyone has some ideas or tips for improving magento2's performance on localhost taking into consideration that you are working without cache and other stuff that helps the loading speed.

How much do you think it affects the OS in this matter ? (Windows vs Linux vs OS X)

Thank you

Best Answer

Maximum performance you gets definitely on Linux. OS X also good enough (except case insensitive file system by default). I don't recommend use Windows. Is not supported for Magento and require use virtualization for proper work.

  • I never run compiler and static deploy scripts!!!

  • I use Macbook Pro as Developer computer.

  • I setup Magento in vagrant (on ubuntu) with 2G memory and use NFS for file sharing.
  • I use developer mode.
  • I always enable all caches (except when a start modify the layout. than I disable FP, Blocks, and Layout cache).
  • I use PHP7 with opcache (configured to recheck files every second) and enable xdebug extension only if need to debug (iI have the script that fully enable/disable extension in php, not just debugging - it's improve performance in 3-5 times!!!).
  • I use APCLite for cache adapter
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