Tips to Speed Up Handling of Large Product Collections in Backend


I'm dealing with a large database (roughly 70k products) to help me manage my products more efficiently it was necessary to modify the admin panel to allow larger collection of products. In my case 5000 products and 10,000 products for the View drop down under Manage Products.

The problem is that "Please wait" appears for a period ranging between 5 to 15 minutes before the products load and sometimes they don't load at all.

My store is running on a dedicated server [dual quad core Xeons, 12GB memory] so there is no reason why it cannot handle this, so I'm trying to track down where I can tweak some settings to make it more responsive.

The front end is lightning fast, the back end is fast with the exception of the large collection of products.

Mysql has been tuned, using Redis Cache and APC as a backend, not sure what else to do to speed this specific issue up. I'm sure those with large databases can benefit from this.

What settings can be tweaked in order to make handling of large collections of products more efficient in the Magento back end?

Best Answer

For this amount of data in one collection you aren't really ever going to get this to be as fast as you probably want it to be - no matter what spec hardware you are running on. Not only are you pulling a vast amount of data from the database in one call, you are also then processing that data with PHP to display it in the grid which is always going to be slow.

With the grid taking 5-15 minutes to load surely sticking with default behaviour makes the most sense?