Magento – Toggle “required/not required” field in checkout


I have added a custom field in checkout called "Area". Area field is required by default, but I'd like to change that based on the selected country.

If customer selects a country other than FR, then Area field should become optional (not required).

Can you help me do that?

function($) {
    function load() {

        var country_select = $('div#shipping-new-address-form>div[name="shippingAddress.country_id"]>div.control>');

        country_select.change(function () {
            var selected_country = $('div#shipping-new-address-form>div[name="shippingAddress.country_id"]>div.control> :selected').val();

            if(selected_country == 'FR'){
                // make Area field required
                // make Area field optional


Best Answer

Add 'validation' index in layout processor for your custom field as

'validate-area-required' => true,

And add your mixin validation-mixin.js with

], function ($, utils) {
    "use strict";

    return function (validator) {            
            function (value) {
                var selected_country = $('div#shipping-new-address-form>div[name="shippingAddress.country_id"]>div.control> :selected').val();
                if(selected_country == 'FR'){
                    return true;
                    return false;

            $.mage.__('Required field.')
        return validator;

Not tested...Hope it will work!

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