Magento – Translate Add to Cart button


We tried to change the Add to Cart button from 'out of stock' to '4-5 business days' for out of stock products using translate inline, which was simple enough. However, although the text was changed, we also deleted the functionality of the button thereby disabling the possibility of back/pre-ordering.

Is it possible to restore the button using translate inline, and, if so, which code should we use? Our website is and we're using Magento

Thank you so much for your help.

Best Answer

I always use the CSV files for translations. On my most recent project I was surprised to learn that you can put translations in one csv file regardless of what module they are from.

I suggest that you copy the CSV files across to your theme and make your changes in there.

Here is an article that does a good job of explaining where Magento gets its translations from:

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