Magento – Translate title in a config file


I have a label for my custom payment method in the config.xml file. It looks like this:

        <cashpayment translate="title" module="paygate">
            <title>Cash Payment</title>

Unfortunately, despite 'translate' parameter the output in the front end is still 'Cash Payment'. I've updated translation file, flushed the cache but it didn't help.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated :)?

Best Answer

This will try to translate using Mage::helper('paygate')->__('Cash Payment').

paygate is the alias of Mage_Paygate, so your translation must be defined either

  1. in Mage_Paygate.csv
  2. in the translate.csv of your theme as "Mage_Paygate::Cash Payment","Your translation here"
  3. in the database, using inline translation
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