Magento 1.7 – Translation of Mr. and Mrs. Prefix Options


So I have to set a translation for the Mr. and Mrs. prefix options in the one-page checkout form, where a customer fills his name, address, etc.

All the translations so far I have done through the .csv files or in the template files, but this one I cannot find. Even by turning on the Translation inline for frontend – I cannot see which scope is for these 2 elements. I guess it's the Mage_Customer.csv but it doesn't work from there. Neither from the translate.csv file in the design/frontend directory.

Are these optional elements' translations somewhat different? I would appreciate some hints on how to achieve translating this.

Best Answer

If you set the options via the admin config section Customer Configuration->Name and Address Options then you can set-up each site with different values.

Otherwise by default the block used to translate will belong to Mage_Customer. See template /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/customer/widget/name.phtml.

Since these options are set-up via the admin section there is no "default" translations. You could do one of the following options. I think 1 is the easiest, 2 is the one you should not do and 3 is a good option.

  1. Add them to your translate.csv file,
  2. Add them to Mage_Customer.csv file (please do not do this as these changes will be lost if you update),
  3. Create a custom module that deals with customer translations and put them in it's translation file,
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