Magento – “TypeError: $(…).fancybox is not a function” mobile menu button wont work (trying to fix)


I'm getting an error using magento. I'm using this theme

The JavaScript error I get is

TypeError: $(…).fancybox is not a function

<anonymous> m.Callbacks/j() jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2
m.Callbacks/k.fireWith() jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2 .ready()
jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2 J() jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2

I searched for TypeError: $(...).fancybox is not a function and found there may be a problem with plugins interfering with my code. So I removed plugins that I wasn't using, but I still have this error.

Can anyone help?

Best Answer

You are loading two different jQuery resources: skin/frontend/sm-igame/default/sm/megamenu/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js skin/frontend/sm-igame/default/js/jquery.1.11.js Which never is a good practice.

Try to deactivate MegaMenu's jQuery loading somewhere in its preferences / configuration.

Also you might want to run jQuery.noConflict since there might be some other frameworks (such as MooTools etc.) that are occupying the $-shorthand for jQuery. When visiting you website I figured that other jQuery calls are throwing "... is not a function" error.

You could also try to open the fancybox-overlay with a jQuery('a > img').fancybox(); instead of $('a > img').fancybox(); ($ = shorthand for 'jQuery').

Nevertheless a code sample or a link to a page where you use fancybox would be helpul.

After I dug a little deeper into your code: I am not sure why you are using such a large, complex JS-function to manipulate the fancybox-relevant links, image urls, and stuff (function _SmQuickView()). This makes it pretty hard to debug since fancybox actually is just a one-liner. Also the beforeShow and afterShow dependencies could probably be handled easier - if they would have to at all, but I'm not sure what you're up to with this.

I tried to scale browser down to mobile size and made the .yt-product-detail . popup-btn visible. And then fancybox using the icon link just works fine.

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