Magento2 – Add Hidden Input in Checkout Address UI Component


I am adding custom field on Magento 2 checkout shipping address.
It's a hidden input.
The value should be automatically updated based on another custom field which is a select (populated from ajax response data), using its option text/label.
How can I "link" between input value and selected option text?

In my current custom component for the select, it already export the value to input

            exports: {
            value: '${ $.provider }:shippingAddress.custom_attributes.subdstrict:value'

But it sends the selected value instead of the text. how to send the selected option text instead?

Best Answer

I managed to achieve this using this code

    return Select.extend({
    defaults: {
        skipValidation: false,
        exports: {
            // Don: any change to subdisrict_id dropdown will "send" notifcation to subdistrict input
            selectedSubdistrictName: '${ $.provider }:${ $.customScope }.custom_attributes.subdistrict:value'

     * @inheritdoc
    initObservable: function () {

        return this;

     * Filters 'initialOptions' property by 'field' and 'value' passed,
     * calls 'setOptions' passing the result to it
     * @param {*} value
     * @param {String} field
    initialize : function(){
        var self = this;
            self.selectedSubdistrictName( self.getPreview() );
        }, this)

filter: function (value, field) {
        if(value) {
            var thisField = this;

                type: 'GET',
                url: '/rest/V1/fabelio-directory/subdistricts/' + value,
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function(data) {
                    // rename keys
                    var options = [];
                    var option = {};
                    for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                        option = {
                            'value': data[i].subdistrict_id,
                            'label': data[i].name

                error: function() {
                complete: function() {

