Magento 2 – UI Form Edit Functionality: Image Preview


I have created Ui form.
In that, I have uploaded a image which is also saved in DB and shows preview in admingrid.
It shows image preview for a new action But it is failed to show image preview and size in edit functionality . Please suggest me a solution

The below image for newaction and it works perfectly.
enter image description here

The below image for edit and not working.But if i click on image it shows preview in new page(http://localhost/magento220/pub/media/girl_2.jpg).
enter image description here


namespace namespace\HomeSlider\Model;

use namespace\HomeSlider\Model\ResourceModel\Post\CollectionFactory;
use Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface;

class DataProvider extends \Magento\Ui\DataProvider\AbstractDataProvider

    protected $collection;
    protected $_loadedData;
    protected $_storeManager;

    public function __construct(
    $name, $primaryFieldName, $requestFieldName, CollectionFactory $postCollectionFactory, StoreManagerInterface $storeManager, array $meta = [], array $data = []
        $this->collection = $postCollectionFactory->create();
        $this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
        parent::__construct($name, $primaryFieldName, $requestFieldName, $meta, $data);

    public function getData()

        if (isset($this->_loadedData)) {
            return $this->_loadedData;
        $items = $this->collection->getItems();
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $this->_loadedData[$item->getId()] = $item->getData();

            if ($item->getImage()) {

            $m['image'][0]['name'] = $item->getImage();
            $m['image'][0]['url'] = $this->getMediaUrl().$item->getImage();

            $fullData = $this->_loadedData;
            $this->_loadedData[$item->getId()] = array_merge($fullData[$item->getId()], $m);


        return $this->_loadedData;

    public function getMediaUrl()
        $mediaUrl = $this->_storeManager->getStore()

        return $mediaUrl;



 <field name="image" sortOrder="100" formElement="fileUploader">
                <notice translate="true">Allowed file types: jpeg, gif, png.</notice>
                <label translate="true">Image</label>
                        <allowedExtensions>jpg jpeg gif png</allowedExtensions>
                            <param xsi:type="string" name="url">homeslider/post/upload</param>


Best Answer

to be able to preview your image you need to add this key/value 'type' => 'image' in your sending data. Otherwise Magento will consider the file as document.

Hope it helps.

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