Magento2 – Find Original Path of styles-l.css in Custom Theme


I want to add/modify some styles to styles-l.css, but i am unabl to identify the original path location, as i mentioned the below static content file path.


Can any one tell me the original location of the styles-l.css for the above path.

Best Answer

styles-l.css and styles-m.css are files generated by less compiler from all module files. If you want to modify its content you need to create your own theme in app/design/frontend. In your theme create file module folder (ie. Magento_Checkout) and in it path like web/css/source/_module.less. In that less file add your own styles which will be included in the style-l.css. So if your theme is in app/design/frontend/MyStore/default then your styles for checkout should be in app/design/frontend/MyStore/default/Magento_Checkout/web/css/source/_module.less.

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