Magento 1.9 – Unable to Install Extensions Using Magento Connect Manager


I have installed a fresh magento 1.9 on my vps running with nginx. My root folder of magento is /var/www/ and also set ownership as www-data as user and www-data as group (www-data nginx user). every thing goes fine while installing magento, did not show any permission error.

After installing magento, I go to admin pane system -> magento conncet -> magento connect manager, did not show any permission error on magento connect manager then i try to install
"PageCache powered by Varnish" with Magento Connect 2.0 key, i paste the extension key to install, then clicked on proceed to install. In magento connect manager console at bottom it show

checking dependencies of packages
starting to download Varnish_Cache-4.0.5.tgz ...
...done: 34,730 bytes

It does not further move to installation process.

Is the problem of my installation? or permission problem ? or some think else ? I am unable to install any extension due to this big problem. I am new in magento 🙂 Thanks in Advance.

Best Answer

Try this may be its use full to you. It solved my problem.
Go to downloader/lib/Mage/Archive/Helper/File/Gz.php in your Magento directory
and replace

$this->_fileHandler = @gzopen($this->_filePath, $mode); 


$this->_fileHandler = @gzopen64($this->_filePath, $mode);