Magento – Unable to overcome the “Can’t retrieve entity config” error


I have been working on a simple module and have been stuck with the error

Can't retrieve entity config

for too long. I am assuming that this is to do with the way I have set my config.xml files up?

The module is to extract information from a table that I have put in to the database. I guessed this would be an easy and basic project for me but i'm really struggling.

My two questions are

  1. How should I go about de-bugging projects in Magento (many of my
    problems have been with the xml). So far I have been using var_dump()
    and die() commands, is there a better way?
  2. How do I resolve this problem? (I have added my xml code below)





Cache is disabled.

class Ps_Prefcentre_Model_Mysql4_Preferences
extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract
    protected function _construct()
        $this->_init('prefcentre/preferences', 'prefcentre_id');

Best Answer

The error is generated in this method Mage_Core_Model_Resource::getTableName(). You end up in that method usually by calling the _init() method from the collection constructor.
Check how that method looks like in Ps_Prefcentre_Model_Mysql4_Prefcentre_Collection (something like that).
It should look like this:

protected function _construct()
    $this->_init('prefcentre/prefcentre', 'TABLE_PK_NAME_HERE');

The first parameter (prefcentre/prefcentre) means the following: what's before / represents the main model class, the name of the tag right under <models> tag. In your case <prefcentre>. What's after the / is the node name under prefcentre_mysql4->entities, and before the <table> tag. In your case also prefcentre See my comments below directly on your config file section:

    <prefcentre><!-- this tag goes before the slash -->

            <prefcentre><!-- this tag goes after the slash -->

And make sure you clear the cache after modifying something in config.xml

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