Magento 2.3 – Unable to Pass Array to Email Layout Template


I've created a module to capture and pass submitted custom option selections from a product which I intend to then send via email (for quotes). Everything is working except my attempts to pass the array of custom option information to a layout template.

I parse and append the options to the email parameters in Post.php, and then attempt to pass the options object from the email template to the layout template where I want to iterate over each of the options. However, $block->getOptions() (see below) always returns null.

The $params['options'] is populated correctly, so the issue is just passing the data to the layout template. If I don't try to pass the options to the layout template, it's working fine. It only errors (Error filtering template: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()) because $options is null.

Am I passing the options data to the template incorrectly?




public function execute()

    try {

        // Send email



private function sendEmail($post)
        ['data' => new DataObject($post)]

private function validatedParams()
    $request = $this->getRequest();
    $params = $request->getParams();


    // Parse options to strings
    $options = [];


    $optionsObj = $this->objectFactory->create();
    $params['options'] = $optionsObj;

    return $params;


public function send($replyTo, array $variables)
        /** @see \Vendor\Quoteform\Controller\Index\Post::validatedParams() */
        $replyToName = !empty($variables['data']['name']) ? $variables['data']['name'] : null;

        try {
            $transport = $this->transportBuilder
                        'area' => Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
                        'store' => $this->storeManager->getStore()->getId()
                ->setReplyTo($replyTo, $replyToName)

        } finally {


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd" label="Email Product Custom Options" design_abstraction="custom">
        <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="email_product_custom_options" template="Vendor_Quoteform::email/productCustomOptions.phtml" cacheable="false"/>


{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}

<table class="message-details">
      <b>{{trans "Name"}}</b>
    <td>{{var data.raq_name}}</td>
      <b>{{trans "Email"}}</b>
    <td>{{var data.raq_email}}</td>
      <b>{{trans "Phone"}}</b>
    <td>{{var data.raq_telephone}}</td>

{{layout handle="email_product_custom_options" options=$options area="frontend"}}

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}


<?php $options = $block->getOptions();?>
    <?php foreach($options as $k => $v): ?>
    <?php foreach($v as $title => $value): ?>
        <td><?= $title ?></td>
        <td><?= $value ?></td>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

Best Answer

Difficult to know without seeing your email send logic but typically you need to build objects which you then pass through to email templates.

So I would have thought you would be better passing the block template output as a variable.

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