Magento – Unable to reindex Product Prices – Foreign Key Constraint Fails


I've just recently upgraded my magento store from 1.4.2 to And The upgrade went smoothly but when I try to reindex data after the upgrade.. It fails on the Product Prices..

I've tried using php shell/indexer.php --reindexall from SSH and it fails at the Product Prices with these errors (I use pastebin as the error are quite long):

From what I can see, the table catalog_product_index_tier_price is empty.. and I'm not sure if that is causing any issue?

I've tried many different ways of solving it but to no avail.. Things like:

None of them worked.. I am not an expert in MySQL but I do know a little bit.. So I hope someone is able to find out what is causing the error and help me out and I believe it might also help others too who are experiencing the same issue as me 🙂


Best Answer

1) Remove the LOCKS directory from the var/ folder 2) Remove the cache directory in the var/ folder

If you still are having a problem you can truncate your index tables for price

Some examples are : (You can view your index tables and add or remove)

truncate catalog_product_index_price_bundle_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_bundle_opt_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_bundle_sel_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_cfg_opt_agr_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_cfg_opt_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_downlod_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_final_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_opt_agr_idx;
truncate catalog_product_index_price_opt_idx;

I would impress that you DO NOT DO THIS ON LIVE! Make sure you fully test all MySQL queries before you do anything on production. Once you truncate it is GONE!

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