Magento – Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin


Magento2.3 Everything looks going over https but we still have a frame with origin error.

Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

    at contents (
    at (
    at jQuery.fn.init.jQuery.fn.(anonymous function) [as contents] (
    at lookup (
    at HTMLIFrameElement.<anonymous> (
    at Function.each (
    at jQuery.fn.init.each (
    at lookup (
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (
    at Function.each (


with this line tagged in jquery.js


  contents: function( elem ) {
                return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?
                elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document :
                    jQuery.merge( [], elem.childNodes );

There is no such error on our clone web-store without https.
Ideas how to solve this error?

Best Answer

I sorted my issue by replacing one code line in jquery.js. Location: lib/web/jquery.js | line: +-3122

return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?


return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) && 
jQuery(elem).prop('src').indexOf(window.location.hostname) != -1 ?
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