Sales Order – Update Custom Field Value in sales_flat_order_address Table


I have a custom field(new_address_code) for customer address in backend. A observer is used to assign a auto-generated value to the field when ever a new address is added through myaddress or in checkout page


In the observer class

$customerAddress = $observer->getCustomerAddress();
$id= (string)$customerAddress->getId();
$ObcustomerAddress = $observer->getCustomerAddress();
if ($customerAddress->getId()) {
             $customerAddress->getResource()->saveAttribute($ObcustomerAddress, 'new_address_code');

Whats the problem here is when a new address is added while checkout, the auto-generated custom fields value is not saved into sales_flat_quote_address table. So, I tried writing an observer for that as follows


And in the observer class

public function beforeorder($observer)
    $order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $customerAddress = $observer->getCustomerAddress();
    if ($customerAddress->getId()) {

But it's not saving in the sales_flat_order_address table. Could anybody tell me what could be the reason.

Best Answer

This line doesn't seem correct because $address will be a new empty object (except for new_address_code value) therefore $order->setBillingAddress() will be empty



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