Magento – Update Custom Attribute Value Programatically


I have created a script that tests importing products programmatically into Magento. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble updating a product's custom attribute value – in this case "manufacturer." When I run the below code, I receive a fatal error with method "Invalid method." Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

    $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
    $rand = rand(1, 9999);
    ->setAttributeSetId(4) // default attribute set
    ->setSku('example_sku' . $rand) // generate a random SKU
    ->setUrlKey('test-product-123') // set url key

    ->setVisibility(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Visibility::VISIBILITY_BOTH) // visible in catalog and search

        'use_config_manage_stock' => 0, // use global config?
        'manage_stock'            => 1, // should we manage stock or not?
        'is_in_stock'             => 1,
        'qty'                     => 5,

    ->setName('Test Product #' . $rand) // add string attribute
    ->setShortDescription('Description') // add text attribute

    // set up prices
    ->setTaxClassId(2)    // Taxable Goods by default

$optionId = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->_getAttributeCode('manufacturer', 'PATAGONIA');


Best Answer

I was able to solve my question and update my "manufacturer" attribute using the following code:

$attrCode = 'manufacturer';
$valueText = ('PATAGONIA');
$valueId = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute($attrCode)->getSource()->getOptionId($valueText);
$product->setData($attrCode, $valueId);