Magento – Update item custom quantity and salable quantity value after place order in Magento 2


I need to decrease purchased item saleable quantity with custom value (x* ordered_qty) after place order in Magento 2.Right now I'm using the following observer and class to update the quantity of purchased items.

Event Xml

    <event name="sales_order_place_after">
       <observer name="Update_customstock" instance="Company\MyMoudle\Observer\UpdateStock" />

Observer Class

class UpdateStock implements ObserverInterface

    public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer)

     $orderData = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
     $orderItems = $orderData->getAllVisibleItems();
               foreach($orderItems as $item) {
                      if($flag_variable) {
               $this->stockRegistry->updateStockItemBySku($item->getSku(), $stockItem);



But it's deceasing salable quantity double of my sent value and quantity also updating as sent value.

What I need

I need if the order is placed then only the decrease the salable quantity and once the shipment is created then decrease the quantity.

Please suggest any solution with a plugin or observer.

Best Answer

Use the following event global scope. Ex. VendorName/ModuleName/etc/events.xml


For Paypal payment method, use the following:

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