Magento – Update product price before placing order


I am running a Magento site for selling Gold coins. As the Gold rate change on the regular basis, I am updating the product price on the regular basis.

I want to customise the checkout page, so that I receive the order with latest Gold rate. That means, price of the product get update just after submitting the order.


  • which event must I observe? (experiences..?)
  • how do I update the price?
  • Is it better to update the real product price instead of the quote?

Any one please suggest, what would be the best approach and how I can customise the checkout query to update the product price with Gold API ?

Here's my code for custom checkout:

Path: app/etc/modules/CustomPriceUpdate_Checkout.xml

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
                <Mage_Catalog />

Path: app/code/local/CustomPriceUpdate/Checkout/etc/config.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Path: app/code/local/CustomPriceUpdate/Checkout/Model/Observer.php

class CustomPriceUpdate_Checkout_Model_Observer{
  public function update_price($observer){
    $quote = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote();
   foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item) {
       $product = $item->getProduct();//if you need it
       $additional = 23;
       $finalPrice = $item->getOriginalPrice() + $additional;
     //your magic here.
    Mage::log("Order is placed");

My observer is working fine, as I can able to print the text in the log file by changing the observer to this:

class CustomPriceUpdate_Checkout_Model_Observer{
  public function update_price($observer){
    Mage::log("Order is placed");

But my complete code not working. I am very sure my code in the observer is not correct.

Please someone correct me.

Best Answer

You can use Event/Observer to check any price update.

  1. sales_order_place_before ( This event dispatch before place order ).
  2. sales_order_place_after ( This event dispatch after place order ).
  3. Once customer can be placed order there after you can't do anything for the price of that order.
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