Magento – Upgrade to 1.9.3 advice


I am looking to upgrade from to 1.9.3 and from what I read I can see everyone suggests you basically start a new fresh project with 1.9.3 and then copy in the extensions. However the bit that I can't see how to do how to copy all the catalog and other data such as customers

Is the correct way of going about it or is there a better way? EG perhaps just using /downloader and upgrading all modules to 1.9.3?

Best Answer

  1. Magento Compilation from System > Tools > Compilation > Disable and Magento Cache from System > Cache Management > Select All > Action: Disable > Submit

  2. Now remove all files and folders from your previous Magento directory (make sure to keep your backup in a safe place) and place all files and folders from Magento 1.9.3 package.

  3. Launch web browser, go to your link. You will be asked to install fresh Magento v1.9.3 store but don’t worry, keep going and when you will reach to the Configuration page. Fill it up with the same information you used for your previous Magento store which includes SQL DB Server Hostname, SQL DB Name, SQL Server Username, SQL Server Password, Base URL and Admin Path.

  4. Once the installation is finished, do not visit frontend or backend page. From your Magento v1.7 files and folders backup, copy and merge following files and folders into your new Magento v1.9.x store directory:

    • Community Folder: ROOT > app > code > community

    • Local Folder: ROOT > app > code > local

    • Media Folder in Root Directory: ROOT > media

    • Your Theme Folder: ROOT > app > design > frontend > default (package name) > “your_theme” (If you are using “default” package for your theme then just copy theme folder otherwise you need to copy the whole package which includes your theme folder)

    • Skin Folder in Root Directory: ROOT > skin

    • Module’s Custom XML Files: ROOT > app > etc > modules > “your_custom_XML_files”

    • Admin Theme Folder: ROOT > app > design > adminhtml > default

    • Custom JS Folder: ROOT > app > js

    • Now finally delete everything from ROOT > var > cache and from ROOT > var > sessions to clear all sessions and cache.

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