Upgrade Extension from Magento 1.9 to 2.0 – Code Refactoring


I have my extension developed in CE 1.9.2. What are the requisites to upgrade it to 2.0.

  1. Is there any tool available that converts the directory structure of
    1.9 into 2.0 ?
  2. If I do it manually, what are the steps involved to convert upgrade
    it to 2.0 ?

Best Answer

Lastest Magento 2.x version(2.0.1) ,Add a tool Code Migration Toolkit by which you can transfer your 3rd party extension of 1.x version to 2.x structure.

  • You can Migrate Magento 1.x module structure to Magento 2.0 structure using Magento client Cli tool bin/migrate.php migrateModuleStructure
  • Migrate Magento 1.x layout.xml Magento 2.0 structure file structure. (bin/migrate.php convertLayout

See the full steps of migration at Code Migration page

So,before migration,you should have strong knowledge of Magento 2.X structure Thus you can convert 1.x code to 2.x.You can understand those thing from code-migration process

But honesty ,you need to do lot of works for this achieve .

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