Magento – Upgrade to – Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table ‘mage_permission_variable’ already exists


I am trying to upgrade to from through Magento Downloader. On the screen at the bottom, I am getting the error message below:

Exception during cache and session cleaning: Error in file: "app/code/core/Mage/Admin/sql/admin_setup/upgrade-" – SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'mage_permission_variable' already exists, query was: CREATE TABLE `mage_permission_variable` ( `variable_id` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'Variable ID' , `variable_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT 'Config Path' , `is_allowed` bool NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Mark that config can be processed by filters' , PRIMARY KEY (`variable_id`, `variable_name`), UNIQUE `UNQ_MAGE_PERMISSION_VARIABLE_VARIABLE_NAME` (`variable_name`) ) COMMENT='System variables that can be processed via content filter' ENGINE=INNODB charset=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci…………………….

It repeats this quite a few times and then just stays there and the website is broken.

I'm not at all technical with Magento – could someone help me diagnose what's wrong and how I fix it (in as simple steps as possible!)?

Best Answer

That means you already have the mage_permission_variable table in your database.
Don't delete the file instead of you can drop mage_permission_variable and mage_permission_block table then continue you upgrading process

it will do the trick....

Don't forget to backup the database before dropping those tables

Hope it helps

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