Magento 1.9 Upgrade – How to Upgrade from Magento 1.4.1 to 1.9


I am working on store upgradation from 1.4.1 to 1.9 for that i has tried following but after running the setup it is just loading in browser from last 10 hours.Please tell what is the problem. Why my site is just processing after upgrade. For the information my database tables are on myISAM engine i have converted required table to innoDB. Please guide me to update my store

Best Answer

Depending on your existing database size upgrading can take a substantial amount of time - especially the conversion of the order EAV to flat tables (1.4.2 I think).

However seeing that you are starting out from a potentially broken state (with myISAM you could have introduced integrity issues without even knowing it) I would suggest starting with a completely new install and then migrate your data (you might have to accept that some will be lost - but I think it is better to re-start with a correct database engine than perpetuating a previous mistake).