Magento – Uploaded images not appearing on frontend and backend with a Broken image symbol


I have uploaded images to products. It has been viewed then in backend and frontend it is not appearing.

I have checked with stackoverflow answers like
Products do not show up in front end

and checked. everything is perfect.

But Now it is showing Broken Image symbol in backend and Magento no image at front end.

If I upload new image to the product page, it is showing the new picture to that product, but old uploaded images remain as a broken image.

Please help to fix it. I have more than 1000 products on site.

Best Answer

  • Check the file access rights for the image folder. Files there should have 664, Folder should be on 775
  • Check if the image gets written in image cache media/products/cache/...

What have you don recently? Any changes on the site?

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