Magento – Uploading Extension in Magento Marketplace


I'm uploading extension in magento marketplace but while uploading extension file which in is TGZ format i'm getting error "The "package.xml" file does not exist; please verify the archive."

**enter image description here**

Folder Structure


Best Answer

You are facing the error because your package file is missing package.xml file.
package.xml is automatically created when you package a Magento 1 extension from

System > Magento Connect > Package Extension

The file will contain details about the extension like,

  • name
  • version
  • channel
  • license
  • description
  • author
  • dependencies, etc..

    It will also contain details for your modules content/files and folders structure, which will be used when you install a package from your admin panel

    System > Magento Connect Manager

So this file is essential for your Magento 1 packages.

How to Create package.xml

  1. Extract your current package in a Magento 1 setup and install it.
  2. Now to to Admin Panel > System > Package Extension
  3. Add all details about your extension
  4. Click "Save Data and Create Package" button
  5. Package file will be in var/connect/ folder

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