Magento – URL Rewrite: From category to CMS Page


I've created a CMS Page.

URL Key = about/page1.

I've created some Categories. One of them, category #1, it's called about.

URL Key = about

and its first subcategory, category #2, is named Page

URL Key = page1.

I want both categories to redirect to about/page1 CMS page.

My understanding is that I'll have a system rewrite:

from category/1 to catalog/category/view/id/1  and 
from category/2 to catalog/category/view/id/2.

What URL Rewrites I'd need to add for redirecting both categories to my CMS Page? So if I click on both category links, the page about/page1 is opened?

Best Answer

Follow these step for url rewrite:

  1. Find Magento URL Rewrite Management - by going to Catalog > Rewrite Management

  2. Select Add URL Rewrite

  3. Select the custom option from the drop down

  4. Now you will see few options:

ID Path: Is the unique identifier for this rewrite. This should just be custom, but is only used for admin purposes

Request Path: Is the URL you would like to redirect

Target Path: Is the URL you would like the Request Path directed to

Redirect: You always want this to be permanent as 302 (or temporary redirects) do not pass any of the link juice to the new URL.

Description: This is an optional description field. Use this to keep notes on what and why you set this URL redirect up

Fill these fields out correctly

Click Save- This should be the job done.

Quickly try out your redirect to make sure it’s working correctly

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