Magento – Use API v2 to work with Customer Group Prices


Does anyone know a way to write and read the Customer Group Prices with API v2?
We are using a tool to integrate our financial software with Magento. Each customer has a different agreed price for products in Dynamics GP and we need to match this price in Magento. This way, when a Customer logs into the Magento site, their agreed price will be displayed in all simple products.

Best Answer

I've done this for importing group prices with SOAPv2 for Magento CE some time ago and wrote a a (german) blogpost about this (Google translate might help). I added the important parts with an english explanation here and hope this helps you getting started.

Basically you need to rewrite the catalog/product_api_v2 model and extend the _prepareDataForSave method.

Create a new module

In my example it's Avoe_Catalog:

In Avoe/Catalog/etc/config.xml rewrite the Product API:




copy the _prepareDataForSave method from Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Api_V2 to your new Api model:

class Avoe_Catalog_Model_Product_Api_V2 extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Api_V2 {

   protected function _prepareDataForSave ($product, $productData) {


     if (property_exists($productData, 'tier_price')) {

     //add the following code

     if (property_exists($productData, 'group_price')) {
         $groupPrices = Mage::getModel('avoecatalog/product_attribute_groupprice_api_V2')
             ->prepareGroupPrices($product, $productData->group_price);
         $product->setData("group_price", $groupPrices);



Create the following file:

Avoe/Catalog/Model/Product/Attribute/Groupprice/Api/V2.php copied from Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Attribute/Tierprice/Api/V2.php:

In this copied file, I've replaced all $tierPrices with $groupPrices and updated checks with needed options (cust_group, price, website_id).

class Avoe_Catalog_Model_Product_Attribute_Groupprice_Api_V2 extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Api_Resource
     *  Prepare group prices for save
     *  @param      Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product
     *  @param      array $groupPrices
     *  @return     array
    public function prepareGroupPrices($product, $groupPrices = null)
        if (!is_array($groupPrices)) {
            return null;

        $updateValue = array();

        foreach ($groupPrices as $groupPrice1) {
            $groupPrice = unserialize($groupPrice1);

            if (!is_array($groupPrice)
                || !isset($groupPrice["cust_group"])
                || !isset($groupPrice["price"])) {
                $this->_fault('data_invalid', Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Invalid Group Prices'));

            if (!isset($groupPrice["website_id"]) || $groupPrice["website_id"] == 'all') {
                $groupPrice["website_id"] = 0;
            } else {
                try {
                    $groupPrice["website_id"] = Mage::app()->getWebsite($groupPrice["website"])->getId();
                } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
                    $groupPrice["website_id"] = 0;

            if (intval($groupPrice["website_id"]) > 0 && !in_array($groupPrice["website_id"], $product->getWebsiteIds())) {
                $this->_fault('data_invalid', Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Invalid group prices. The product is not associated to the requested website.'));

            if (!isset($groupPrice["cust_group"])) {
                $groupPrice["cust_group"] = '0';

            if ($groupPrice["cust_group"] == 'all') {
                $groupPrice["cust_group"] = '0';

            $updateValue[] = array(
                'website_id' => $groupPrice["website_id"],
                'cust_group' => $groupPrice["cust_group"],
                'price'      => $groupPrice["price"],
                'delete'     => $groupPrice["delete"] 


        return $updateValue;

SOAPv2 API call

You can insert group prices via SOAPv2 then the following way:

$newProductData = new stdClass();
$additionalAttrs = array();

$gp = array(
    "0" => array (
            "website_id" => "0",
            "cust_group" => "1",
            "price" => "11.11",
            "delete" => "1"
    "1" => array (
            "website_id" => "0",
            "cust_group" => "0",
            "price" => "12.12"

$gp = array("key" => "group_price", "value" => array(serialize($gp[0]),serialize($gp[1])));

$additionalAttrs['multi_data'][] = $gp;
$newProductData->additional_attributes = $additionalAttrs;

$result = $client->catalogProductUpdate($sessionId,$prodSku,$newProductData,"","sku");
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