Magento 1.4 – Use Categories Path for Product URLs Not Working


I have set "Use Categories Path for Product URLs" to "No", but still on frontend I am seeing product urls with category paths.
Checked attribute value on store level also, and it is set to "No" as required.
I have performed re-indexation and cleared cahe (both Magento and browsers).
I am using Magento

When I am looking at product collection, it is not having any attirube named "request_path" instead it is showing "url_path".

Please let me know if it was a default magento bug in this version or I am missing something.
Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

You must make a Product URL Reindex

Admin Panel -> System -> Index Management -> Catalog URL Rewrites : Reindex data

If you have acces over ssh you can make reindex in terminal

magento_path/shell/ php indexer.php --reindex catalog_url

After make reindex you can empty all cache (just in case)

Admin Panel -> System -> Cache Management -> Flush Magento Cache/ Flush Storage Cache
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