Magento 2 – Using ifconfig to Conditionally Add CSS Assets


Is there any way to use ifconfig in Magento 2 to conditionally add CSS assets, similar to Magento 1? Here's an example from Magento 1:

<action ifconfig="config_path/group/field" method="addItem">

I tried something like this in Magento 2 but it doesn't work:

    <css src="css/styles.css"
        ifconfig="config_path/group/field" />

It just displays the ifconfig attribute on frontend:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
    href="" />

Is there any equivalent in Magento 2?

Best Answer

It seems like it currently is not possible looking at the head.xsd definition in the develop branch:

you could do something like the Require Js Module:

Here, the require config and mixins are inserted directly after the require.js file.

You could add your css files like this with a condition.

I also found an Issue here with a similar problem, but it did not get an answer: