Deprecated Functionality – Session ID Not Used as URL Parameter Anymore


i get the below error in magento

Exception #0 (Exception): User Deprecated Functionality: Session ID is not used as URL parameter anymore. in /var/www/html/magento.loc/vendor/magento/framework/Url.php on line 763

how can i resolve it? my php version is PHP

Best Answer

Hi @Mahdi and other people,

If you have upgraded to Magento >=2.3.5 and one of your third party or custom extensions use one of the functions described above, you'll run into this issue.

In my case, I had previously installed the module veriteworks/cookiefix with the fixed version 1.0.6 (compatible with Magento < 2.3.5). This extension is used to fix the SameSite warnings in browsers. This version would use one of the deprecated functions related to the SID param.

You should look for extensions that use either for:

· getSid function, you can look for usages with:

grep -r "getSid(" vendor
grep -r "getSid(" app/code

· addSessionParam function:

grep -r 'addSessionParam()' vendor
grep -r 'addSessionParam()' app/code

If one of your extensions use these functions, you should remove it/update it/fix it.

Hope this helps!

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