Using SSL in Unsecured URL – How to Implement


I've inherited a running, trading website and am trying to work through numerous issues with it, amongst them, that the secure site is pulling through a lot of unsecured content and links, seemingly with the unsecure_base_url setting.

I intend to scour the site to work out the issues, but in the interim is there any downside to using an https:// url in the unsecure_base_url field?

And if I want to enforce Secure Usage, would it be a valid permanent solution?

Any advice appreciated.

Best Answer

The only downside to using SSL on your frontend would be performance. However, with the right hardware, tuning and a good FPC, it isn't going to affect you as much as some would lead you to believe.

To work out the elements that are not SSL, you can use Why no pad lock? as a starting point.

Implementing https:// in unsecure_base_url effectively forces your site to be https and secure in the frontend.

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