Magento – v1.6.0 – CreateShipment SOAP v2 call ships all items


We want to update orders with shipment details from an external system. We have successfully done the basics, but need to be able to partially ship orders.

The API description appears to allow for this, and specfically:

Notes: The array of orderItemQty is used for partial shipment. To create shipment for all order items, you do not need to specify these attributes.

However the API appears to ignore this. It doesn't seem to matter if we populate it with all the items and 0 out the ones we don't want shipped or just exclude them entirely.

Has anyone else encountered this problem or had to create partial shipments via the API before?


Best Answer

Looking at the Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Shipment_Api_V2 class you should use the following format for the itemsQty array (as in the WS-I compliance mode example):

array('order_item_id' => '8', 'qty' => '1');

If the array is missing the keys order_item_id or qty it will ignore the specified rows in the function _prepareItemQtyData and when all rows are skipped the API will ship all items.