Magento 1.9 – Varien_Autoload Not Found in mage.php on Line 54


I completed my website and before launch, I needed to transfer my website to another domain. As soon as I transferred the files, and opened the new website, it started showing me

Fatal error : Class Varien_Autoload not found in mage.php on line 54

I don't know where it went wrong, and am really in a helpless state right now. I searched on internet, but everywhere they say to disable compilation. The website already had compilation disabled. I also checked for the include path by putting the below code in mage.php above Varien_Autoload::register();


And I got this path as in result:

string(81) "/home/pavaiyacart/public_html/main/includes/src:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php" 

Best Answer

Let's say I have a Magento site on a development server and I installed and access it through

then I want to move it to productions.

1st. I would zip or download all files (don't miss the .htaccess).

2nd. I would take an SQL dump from phpmyadmin (remember to disable foreign key checks)

3rd. I have to open my backup.sql dump with a text editor. (I use notepad++ for small files or vim from Linux command line for large ones). Now let us say my production domain is I have to find in the editor

and replace it with

don't include in your search and replace any http:// and remember to include www. if this is your preferred domain.

4th. Import the dump to a fresh database

5th copy/unzip the files to production/

6th Go app/etc/local.xml and edit the database connection settings.

Feel free to ask or search for any further questions.