Magento 2 – Fix Warning: SessionHandler::read() Error


After installation of Fresh Magento 2.3 on my sub-domain i got this error.

{"0":"Warning: SessionHandler::read(): open(var/www/html/var/session/sess_nloiac096cn9o6imqdkouoj96l, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /var/www\$

i have followed some of tutorials but they did not worked.

Best Answer

Based on Magento 2.3 Documentation This happens when your session.save_handler PHP parameter is set to some another session storage than files (for example, redis, memcached, and so on).

To solve it follow Magento suggestions :

1 - Upgrade Magento 2 Code

2 - Locate php.ini

php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"

As a user with root privileges, open php.ini in a text editor. Locate session.save_handler Set it in any of the following ways:

To comment it out:

;session.save_path = <path>

To set it to a file system path:

session.save_handler = files

3. Open app/etc/env.php


'session' =>
  array (
    'save' => 'files'


'session' =>
  array (
    'save' => 'db'