Magento 1 – Fix Website Redirecting to Another URL


Maybe it's infected by some virus.

My website starts redirecting to these infected URL.
and some time
Infected links

what I did to solve.

  1. Commented .htaccess file ( nothing happen)
  2. Commented include folder ( nothing happen)
  3. Scanned complete server ( nothing happen no virus malware found)
  4. Changed CSS, media and js path from the database just to ensure that weather its PHP or any js is doing ( nothing happen)
  5. select * from core_config_data where path like '%secure%'; all links are ok

I googled and many articles were written on this but they suggest it was a browser issue or my system is infected. An article on this
even if I open the site on my phone or on my personal laptop, issues are same.


I found the row in the database which is affected. ( as Boris K. also saying)

In the core_config_data table design/head/includes value have a

<script src="<a href=""></a>" id="1371499155545"></script>  

Which will be inserted in head section on page load.

If you visit the above URL you will get a script of redirect which is

   var redirChrome;
var isToChrome = document.currentScript.getAttribute('data-type');

if((isToChrome == 1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) || !isToChrome){

 var idToRedirect = document.currentScript.getAttribute('id'); 


Client website is working from afternoon once I removed that script. But the main problem is how that script inserted into the database.

One patch is also outdated so I updated that patch also.

The site is infected again.
This is the script inserted in Admin section ( Admin->Configuration->General->Design->HTML Head->Miscellaneous Script)

And in database column

I don't know what to do now.
As I changed every password,
Deleted all old users.


Till now that error doesn't come so it means by following the above steps we can overcome this issue.

Always install patches as it helps me in projects to make store less prone to these type of issues and patches are important as well.
One can use to check the issues on their website.

Best Answer

I found the injected code in the core_config_data table, under design/head/includes. Removed it and now the site is back to normal.

UPDATE: As everyone else mentioned, it happened again this morning. This time I got rid of it more easily from the Admin Panel under System > Configuration > General > Design > HTML Head > Miscellaneous Scripts. This is a huge vulnerability, I hope Magento is working on a patch.

UPDATE 2: The script came back again, so I changed the db password, cleared cache. About an hour later, the script is back. So I don't think it's being added thru the db. I just changed my admin password, let's see if it comes back again.

UPDATE 3: Since I changed the admin password yesterday on both of my affected sites, about 24 hours later both are still clean.

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