Magento2 – Allowed `xsi:type` Values in XML


In Magento 2 (almost) all arguments listed in xml files have an attribute xsi:type that determine how the value of the argument is iterpreted.
For example, in di.xml file of the backend module there is this:

<argument name="scopeType" xsi:type="const">Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT</argument>

this means that the value of the argument scopeType is the value of the constant Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT

or this one

<argument name="template" xsi:type="string">Magento_Theme::root.phtml</argument>

this means that the value of the argument template is the string Magento_Theme::root.phtml.

What are all the possible values of this xsi:type attribute?

Best Answer

I've found all types by checking <xs:extension base="argumentType" in *.xsd files.

lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Data/etc/argument/types.xsd, these are base types:

  • "array"
  • "string"
  • "boolean"
  • "object"
  • "configurableObject"
  • "number"
  • "null"

lib/internal/Magento/Framework/ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd, can be found in di.xml files:

  • "object"
  • "init_parameter"
  • "const"

lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/etc/elements.xsd, can be found in layout *.xml files:

  • "options"
  • "url"
  • "helper"

Magento/Ui/etc/ui_components.xsd, can be found in UI components' *.xml files:

  • "constant"
  • "url"
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