Tools for Checking Magento 2 Coding Standards


I am currently working on Magento 2 coding standard checking project.

Is any other tool available, other than PHP_CodeSniffer, to check Magento 2 and PHP coding standing?

Best Answer

Magento 2 use ECGM2 coding standard

You can download from here

ECG Magento Code Sniffer Coding Standard is a set of rules and sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer tool.

It allows automatically check your code against some of the common Magento and PHP coding issues, like:

  1. raw SQL queries; SQL queries inside a loop;
  2. direct instantiation of Mage and Enterprise classes;
  3. unnecessary collection loading;
  4. excessive code complexity;
  5. use of dangerous functions; use of PHP Superglobals;

and many others.

  1. Ecg for Magento
  2. EcgM2 for Magento 2

Both Magento and Magento 2 are supported.

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