Magento 1.7 Email – Difference Between core/email_template and core/email_template_mailer


every one ,can anyone tell me please what are the difference between core/email_template_mailer and core/email_template…I want to know its each function in details.

Best Answer

One big difference is setReplyTo()
(My Magento version is

I added setReplyTo() functionality to the email_template_mailer via a customization of a core file:
Why? Because it was easier to add a couple lines of code than to rewrite the code utilizing email_template_mailer to send Admin copies of order emails. I wanted the emails to come showing the customers' name and having their email as Reply-To.
Note that changing the From Email to their email gets you blacklisted, so I change the From Name and for the From Email use my own auto-confirm@ address.

While reviewing the two files:
I concluded that email_template_mailer is a simplified wrapper for email_template, probably a result of how difficult it used to be to just send an email.

The core file app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template/Mailer.php uses email_template:
line 64:    $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template');
and then goes on to use sendTransactional() just like sending email had always been.

app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template.php defines the method sendTransactional() as well as instantiates a private Zend_Mail member object:
line 141:    $this->_mail = new Zend_Mail('utf-8');

sendTransactional() is a wrapper for the public method send(), which does the heavy lifting building the email for Zend_Mail. The send() function populates out the various headers and prepares the body's plain text or HTML content with $this->getProcessedTemplate($variables, true);. And then this send() calls Zend_Mail's own send().

The big deal here is that Varien made the email_template to minimize the need for directly editing code by translating the templates and variables in the database into useful emails.

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