Magento – What are the top useful Phpstorm plugins for Magento 2 development


  1. What are the list of useful magento2 development tools?

  2. What are the top phpstorm useful plugins for magento2 development?

Best Answer

1) PHPStorm with XDebug:

PHPStorm is my favorite IDE. It is an advanced IDE for PHP developers.

Many developers still use only var_dump and die to debug the system. From my experience, these techniques are not powerful. They possibility will break the application.

Magento 2 is a huge system. We should try with XDebug. With XDebug, we can see how the system works, why the exception occurs.

enter image description here

2) PHPStorm plugins for Magento 2 development:

There are some useful PHPStorm plugins. I used two free Plugins: Magento2 and MaGinto.

enter image description here

There is a good paid Plugin: Magicento. You also can try.

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