Magento – What Default Modules I can disable


From this question and Sander Mangel answer:

Disabling modules – performance improvement?

First of all, less modules means less code to (potentially) load and process. Next to that, a lot of modules, like for example the Mage_Rss module run a lot of code in the background like forcing reindexes on certain events.

Because the above question was not directly meant to share a module list I think is a good idea to collect info here.

Other useful Resources:

Any other module suggestion ?
Which module has more impact in performance?


An update list with @Marius suggestions

  1. Mage_WishList – looks it break customer details
  2. Mage_Rss
  3. Mage_PayPalUk
  4. Mage_Tag (when not used in a project)
  5. Mage_Poll (cause who uses polls anyway)
  6. Phoenix_Moneybookers
  7. Mage_Sendfriend
  8. Mage_Rating ( if not required by client)
  9. Mage_Bundle ( if not required by client)
  10. Mage_Downloadable ( if not required by client)
  11. Mage_GiftMessage – looks you need it in 1.8 or product details will break
  12. Mage_XmlConnect – if you don't have / need a mobile app.
  13. Mage_Authorizenet
  14. Mage_Paypal (if not used as a payment method)
  15. Mage_Paygate (Only if you disable Mage_Paypal, Mage_PaypalUk and Mage_Authorizenet)
  16. Mage_Weee (only if you disable Mage_XmlConnect also)
  17. Mage_Usa – only in ce- (see below why)
  18. Mage_GoogleCheckout – can only be disabled in ce- and only if you disable Mage_Usa. It doesn't work for previous versions because of this
  19. Mage_Oauth – if you don't need the REST API
  20. Mage_Api
  21. Mage_Api2 – only if you disable the Mage_Oauth also.

Best Answer

I can add to that:

  • Mage_GiftMessage - seams it's not disableable in 1.8
  • Mage_XmlConnect - if you don't have / need a mobile app.
  • Mage_Authorizenet
  • Mage_Paypal (if not used as a payment method)
  • Mage_Paygate (Only if you disable Mage_Paypal, Mage_PaypalUk and Mage_Authorizenet)
  • Mage_Weee (only if you disable Mage_XmlConnect also)
  • Mage_Usa - only in . (see below why)
  • Mage_GoogleCheckout - can only be disabled in and only if you disable Mage_Usa. It doesn't work for previous versions because of this
  • Mage_Oauth - if you don't need the REST API
  • Mage_Api
  • Mage_Api2 - only if you disable the Mage_Oauth also.

As a general rule, you can disable (almost) any module, but you have to check in app/etc/modules/*.xml if there are any other modules depending on the module you want to disable. If there aren't any you can do it. If there are you must disable those also.

As an exception from the general rule, there are some modules that can break the admin if you disabled them because of the way Magento 1.x is build. the Mage_Adminhtml module contains references to the other modules (like customer, sales, ...). Looks like In Magento 2.0 this will be changed.