Magento 1.7 – Recommended Permissions for /var and /media


I understand that magento says to have /var and /media at 700 for folders and 600 for files but when I do this, it breaks certain parts of my site. I am curious to see what permissions most people use for these folders.

Best Answer

I haven't see many mentions of using 700 and 600 but it is generally good advice. Unfortunately every server set up is different and needs to be weighed up against convenience (user access to update/edit files).

The underlying approach should be to only give away as little as possible and lock it down as much as you can (700/600 is good for this). In that respect the "official" advice on the wiki wants to apply to as many circumstances as possible and suggests read permissions for everyone (which means any compromised other service on the server will then for example be able to read app/etc/local.xml with your db configuration).

In your case it currently sounds like the files are owned by a different user than what your webserver/php process runs under. Changing the ownership of the files to the webserver should solve your original issue.

Please note that using 700 / 600 and assigning the files to the webserver means your normal user would not be able to edit the files.

The below I feel is a good compromise for convenience vs lock down. All files are owned by user:webservergroup

var and media 770 / 660
The server and your user is allowed to read and write from the var and media folders (session/cache/images).

the rest 750 / 640
Your user is able to edit/update the code.
The webserver is able to read the files for execution/display.