Magento – What template does the Fooman Email Attachments use for Print


Fooman Email Attachments extension gives you the option to print from the order page before an invoice is actually created (exactly what I need). I'm curious though what template (if any) it uses when I click the "print" button.

I tried looking in the documentation for the extension but found nothing.

I want to add some of what shows up on the PDF when you click PRint from the order summary page.

Extension URL:

Best Answer

I assume you are talking about the "Print" button in the admin order view page.
That has no template, it uses Zend_Pdf to generate the pdf file.
The action that handles this is Fooman_EmailAttachments_Admin_OrderController::printAction() and the method that generates the PDF is Fooman_EmailAttachments_Model_Order_Pdf_Order::getPdf.

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