Magento – What Version of Magento CE adopted Magento Connect 2.0


What's the first version of Magento Community edition to ship with a Magento Connect 2.0, and what's the general history of this feature?

That is, to download an extension from Magento Connect you need to choose a Magento Connect 1.0 or 2.0 URL

enter image description here

Which version of Magento Connect started requiring a 2.0 URL? I have vague memories of a version of CE shipping with 2.0 support built in (sometime around 1.4.2 or 1.5.0) before the 2.0 system was ready. However, I can't remember the specifics and was hoping to avoid an archeology expedition to figure this out myself.

Best Answer

Magento Connect Channel 2.0 support was introduced first time in CE However, some problems arose and in rc2 it was replaced with MCC 1.0 version. It was introduced again in and from that time is used in all Magento releases. I believe this information is included into official Magento Connect guide.

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