When to Create an Invoice and What Capture Method to Use – Magento 1.9


Currently, the workflow we have is as follows:

1.Client app clicks on checkout.

2.Turn quote into an order, and clear/deactivate quote. Set order as pending.

3.The app/user is then forwarded to third party payment gateway, where they'll enter their credentials.

4.The third party does a callback to our server, returning if the user has successfully paid the amount, as well as the increment order Id.

5.Upon success, create an invoice for the order and set as paid.

My question is, is this a correct workflow? Or should I create an invoice upon order creation? And what do I set the invoice capture option as? Offline or Online?

Best Answer

Your flow sounds good, you should create the invoice when you get the payment notification. About the capture online or offline: Capture Offline will simple generate the invoice and mark the order as processing, this is the case when the amount has been received manually, works for money orders kind of payment methods.

Capture online will connect with the payment gateway to capture the amount.

If your payment method auto generates the invoices, but you receive the money after order placement, you should disable the auto invoicing, and once you receive the money you can generate the invoice manually, and select Capture offline.

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