Magento – Where is


on my site I have

div class="col-left"

and it should be

div class="col-left sidebar col-left-first"

For some reason I change it in the 3columns.phtml and it sill doesn't seem to be showing on the site when I view source. I've reset cache on magento and my browser. Is the located in any other part of the directory besides 3columns.phtml

Best Answer

Its either in




Make sure that you update correct file -- if you change base/default (which is considered a bad practice) and you have copy of it in {package}/{theme} folder then your changes is not taken into consideration.

Also I'm not sure what you plan to achieve with col-left-first as this div is considered wrapper for text-list, a container if you will:

<div class="col-left sidebar"><?php echo $this->getChildHtml('left') ?></div>

You probably want to add this class to blocks inside that div.

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