Magento – Why all the products are not displayed on the category


I came across a weird issue. There are around 400 products assigned to a category but it is only displaying around 150 products.

I verified the products enabled and all, actually those products show up on a search or another category.

So, in short, the product is assigned to multiple categories. It is displayed in a few categories but not one.

I tried reindexing but no luck.

The weirdest thing here is when I open the product on the admin panel and resave the product, I can see the product on the frontend. The problem is I can't open every product and save it again. Also after I tried that with few undisplayed products, I reindexed again and the products that appeared after saving individually disappeared again.

Can anyone passed through such a weird situation.

I'm stalled on what to do next to fix this. Can anyone help me with this? Any help would be appreciated. By the way, my Magento version is 2.1.3

Best Answer

Looks like some error happened in process of re-index and index status left processing. You need reset it DB.

For example by query:

UPDATE indexer_state SET status = 'invalid' WHERE status != 'valid';

Then run:

php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex;
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