Magento – Why does gallery.less include _theme.less


I have a theme that extends luma using _theme.less. On product pages, another CSS file is included in addition to styles-m. The problem is that they both @import _theme.less which results in duplicate CSS rules.

This will mess up any background images because they are included using relative paths.
With styles-m.css the path to images is: "../images/image.svg"
but gallery.css is in another subfolder so the path would have to be: "../../images/image.svg"

I am probably missing something here.

Best Answer

I solved my issue by moving all the theme rules from _theme.less into _extend.less. My _theme.less now only contains color definitions and some overrides of certain rules from luma.

I'm not sure if it is the correct way but it works as expected: There are no more duplicated rules and I didn't have to change anything in the gallery.less.

At first I wasn't sure because Magento docs said _extend is for small modifications, but I didn't find any better way.

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