Translate.csv and Translation Files Not Working – Magento 1.9 Fix


I'm trying out a new theme and it seems to not get the translations properly.
If I search for the English phrase in my files, I can find:

"You have no items to compare.","Sie haben keine Artikel auf der Vergleichsliste."

within the file: Mage_Catalog.csv
basically that should already show the German sentence, right?

Additionally I added a translate.csv which seems to be not working as well.

Could this be an issue with my theme or some Magento settings?

In my app/design/frontend/MYTHEME/default/template/catalog/product/compare/sidebar.phtml I see this code:

    <?php else: ?>
    <p class="empty"><?php echo $this->__('You have no items to compare.') ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

which looks fine to me as well!? (This file is being used – if I change something in the file, it displays immediately on the site).

Best Answer

In some instances, Magento has multiple modules trying to translate the same item. Take Add to Cart for example. In Magento the modules Mage_Catalog, Mage_Checkout, Mage_Reports, Mage_Sales, Mage_Tag, Mage_Wishlist and Mage_XmlConnect all try to translate this string.

What helps in those cases is to specify which translation of which module you are trying to overrule. You can do this by adding a double colon, like so:

"Mage_Catalog::Add to Cart","Bestellen"
"Mage_Catalog::Add to Wishlist","Toevoegen aan favorieten"