Magento – Why is the csv file not importing successfully in the Dataflow Profile even when it was verified as valid in Check Data


Hi I am trying to create simple products and a configurable product, then associate those simple products to the configurable product using one csv file. I went to System > Import/Export > Import and Check Data of this file. I got this result:

Checked rows: 9, checked entities: 4, invalid rows: 0, total errors: 0
File is valid! To start import process press "Import" button

Check Data and Dataflow import results

I went ahead and import the file and it was successful but the products are not showing in my catalog. I then tried importing in Dataflow-Profiles but when imported, I got several errors saying:

Skipping import row, required field "sku" is not defined.

Can anyone help me figure out why that error keeps on appearing? How can I import successfully? Please click here to download the file that I am trying to import. Please help. Thank you!

Best Answer

Please check and make sure that you don't have extra carriage returns/line feeds on the end of your csv file. Open the file, and delete any blank lines/rows.

Often times, when you export from Excel, it will add extra rows to the export that are nothing more than blank lines.